Friday, June 15, 2012

Well, I'm on my 15th day of summer vacation.   During the really tough school days, I think about the relaxed, laid back summer days like these.  There's nothing like them.  I get to organize - which I love.  I get to clean out areas that need attention - which I love.  I get to redecorate the house - which I love.  The only problem is figuring it all, what to do, when to do it.

This summer the following areas need to be done:

  • Kitchen cabinet knobs and pulls
  • Kitchen floor plan - wood or tile?

Formal Living Room - frames or picture?

The projects are always endless.  As I look at these pictures...I realize...I need to get on this!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Well, here we are.  Chris and Anna are 14 (almost) and 12.  In these past 14 years, I've learned how to be a mother.  On some days, I've got this thing called "motherhood" down.  Others, not so much.  Isn't that the truth for everyone?  Or maybe it's just me.

I'm starting this blog for me.  It's a place for me to write, get my ideas down, come up with new ideas and through the process have a place to relive my journey.

I'm a work in progress.  One that is constantly trying new things, looking for better ways to be a parent, wife, teacher, friend and overall child of God.

This blog will show my journey through self discovery - improving on my health - growing as an educator - finding ways to save money - and more.

As always, this is my life.  God gave me this chance, each day is a gift.